One of the most effective and easiest methods for breaking writer’s block is using a technique called “mind-mapping.” It’s an easy thing to do, and here’s how.
Take a blank piece of paper and turn it so that it’s in the landscape view–the long side is horizontal (top and bottom). Draw a large balloon in the center. Inside that center, write an idea that you want to make into an article or a story.
Then draw any number of spokes, extending out from the center/source balloon/idea, and draw balloons at the end of each one. Inside each child balloon, write another word, idea or sentence that is related to the central/parent balloon.
Do the same thing again with the spokes this time, with each of the outer child balloons. Again, draw grandchild balloons on the ends of those spokes, and write in ideas or phrases related to both the child balloons and the parent/source balloon.
Do that for as many “generations” as you want. Interconnect them to other parallel ideas or balloons; let even more ideas grow out of each new level.
Don’t forget: every balloon idea must be connected to at least one other balloon. The purpose for doing that is to keep your original idea connected to every subsequent idea you imagine in the process of mapping your mind for material.
Try it, it works!
One of the most effective and easiest methods for breaking writer’s block is using a technique called “mind-mapping.” It’s an easy thing to do, and here’s how.
Take a blank piece of paper and turn it so that it’s in the landscape view–the long side is horizontal (top and bottom). Draw a large balloon in the center. Inside that center, write an idea that you want to make into an article or a story.
Then draw any number of spokes, extending out from the center/source balloon/idea, and draw balloons at the end of each one. Inside each child balloon, write another word, idea or sentence that is related to the central/parent balloon.
Do the same thing again with the spokes this time, with each of the outer child balloons. Again, draw grandchild balloons on the ends of those spokes, and write in ideas or phrases related to both the child balloons and the parent/source balloon.
Do that for as many “generations” as you want. Interconnect them to other parallel ideas or balloons; let even more ideas grow out of each new level.
Don’t forget: every balloon idea must be connected to at least one other balloon. The purpose for doing that is to keep your original idea connected to every subsequent idea you imagine in the process of mapping your mind for material.
Try it, it works!