Your thoughts create your future. You have the ability to direct your thoughts toward a desired outcome. First, you must believe, unrelentingly, that what you desire is already yours. Not faith that it is going to happen. A strong belief that it is already yours. See it; believe it; have it.#mindfulness #spirituality #thoughtsbecomethings #believeinyourself
Month: November 2023
Buying Time
During the course of developing an idea for a story, both novel and short, I am always challenged by the time element. How much of it to devote to any one story is the problem. Writing incurs deficits, whether they be in one’s personal life, one’s private life, or even in one’s public and professional…
There’s No Time Like The Present
There’s No Time Like The Present ⓒ Copyright 2019 Reprinted by permission Life in the present era is no easy run. For personal or professional endeavors. The Internet is both a blessing and a curse, with massive amounts of data available at the click of a button. Sorting through the returns from any search…
Piling It On
During those distant years in the past, when I was attending college, both at St. Petersburg Jr. College (now known as St. Petersburg College), and at University of South Florida, Tampa campus, I was told many times, by many individuals who had read my work, how good my writing was, how entertaining and descriptive it…
A Few Words On Religion
World Relious Symbols When I was young—between the ages of 6 & 17—I was adopted by and raised by a fundamentalist Baptist family. By the time I was 17, though, not only was I rebelling against my parents, I was literally choking on religion. My father, Kenneth Walters, never seemed to take his faith seriously,…