I, for one, am in favor of more freedoms. Especially, freedom from governments interfering in the lives of private citizens. More often than not, interference in women’s lives.
State and federal governments (both legislative and judicial) have assumed an authority they have never been granted by the people.
Regulation of women’s bodies. Intrusion into doctor-patient relationships and healthcare decisions. Again, affecting women.
Government meddling, plain and simple. Typically carried out by legislatures composed mainly of men.
Mostly, older men, without outdated views of social behavior. With the antiquated idea that theirs is the “God-given” authority to regulate women.
This discrepancy should be a talking point in the upcoming 2024 elections. Particularly since it affects over half the U.S. population. The gender ratio in the United States attained a value of 97 males per 100 females in 2021.
*Women are registered to vote in the U.S. at higher rates than men. In recent years, the number of women registered to vote in the U.S. has typically been about 10 million more than the number of men registered to vote. However, that gap declined to 7.4 million in 2022.
(* Excerpted from Center for American Women and Politics, “Gender Differences in Voter Turnout.”)
A most pertinent question needs to be asked of men:
How would you react to governments passing laws that regulated your seed? Or, limited or excluded your right to have children?
Even if such proposals made it to the legislature, men would rise up to prevent the law from ever being enacted.
It’s past time for women to do the same: rise up and force governments to relinquish their assumed authority over women’s bodies and healthcare decisions.
Until this is done, there can be no true equality for women in the U.S.