One of the most effective and easiest methods for breaking writer’s block is using a technique called “mind-mapping.” It’s an easy thing to do, and here’s how. Take a blank piece of paper and turn it so that it’s in the landscape view–the long side is horizontal (top and bottom). Draw a large balloon in…
Tag: ideas
Buying Time
During the course of developing an idea for a story, both novel and short, I am always challenged by the time element. How much of it to devote to any one story is the problem. Writing incurs deficits, whether they be in one’s personal life, one’s private life, or even in one’s public and professional…
There’s No Time Like The Present
There’s No Time Like The Present ⓒ Copyright 2019 Reprinted by permission Life in the present era is no easy run. For personal or professional endeavors. The Internet is both a blessing and a curse, with massive amounts of data available at the click of a button. Sorting through the returns from any search…
Writing: Fast or Slow
Writing: Fast or Slow? When the question of whether to write fast or slow arises, it often becomes a matter of the kind of content one is writing. There are two options for writers: 1) get it down while it’s fresh in your mind; 2) Develop the idea in a slow and methodical way. Both…