During those distant years in the past, when I was attending college, both at St. Petersburg Jr. College (now known as St. Petersburg College), and at University of South Florida, Tampa campus, I was told many times, by many individuals who had read my work, how good my writing was, how entertaining and descriptive it was.
Little did I know then that I would spend the next half century refining my skills. Even now, I write with no purpose in mind; only to produce entertaining stories.
Not even with publication in mind.
I just keep piling it on, as if my writing isn’t important enough, or entertaining enough to merit public acclaim. The real kind, where I get an agent and/or a publisher of renown.
Not self-publishing, as I have been doing.
Self-publishing is satisfying to a certain extent, but definitely not financially rewarding. In fact, I have probably spent more money buying my own books at cost than is reasonable.
All in hopes that some successful agent will come along and rescue this quite talented author. Hah!
I just keep piling it on.
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