What, you may ask, is intuitive writing?
If you’re at all in touch with your own feelings, you already know what intuition feels like. You get this inner voice whispering to you sometimes, about the things happening to or around you.
Then comes another feeling. One of doubt and fear. Is what I’m being told good for me or bad?
That’s where the meaning of intuition becomes a factor. If you don’t trust your own intuition—your inner voice—what or who do you trust?
99.99% of the time, your intuition is correct, and you should listen. Don’t doubt your own feelings when it comes to all things: people, places, and things.
This is especially important when it comes to crafting a written piece. Whether it be fiction or non-fiction, that little voice will guide you to the correct words every time.
Let me say that again: that little inner voice will guide you to the correct words every time.
The resultant writing will shine with your creative influence. Lest I wax spiritual (which I am, BTW), that kind of writing—intuitive—comes from the heart.
And, intuitive writing will never let you down…