Story by Frank Walters Clark
Cover Design by Flashcan

Incoming balon rockets scream across the night sky, the light from their massive discharges reflecting in web-like patterns off low-hanging clouds. At the edge of the jungle, giant magnetron generators hold the Confederation’s command center disrupter-fields in place. From the orange hills skirting the Pelacci Mountains in the west, strategically placed Tagon-70 cannons pulse intermittently, their plasma capsules leaving yellow and blue tracer streaks as they arc into the dark canopy of the jungle.
Deep in the tangled undergrowth on the fringes of Baker Company’s northwest control sector, Plasma-Fire Sergeant Jerry Wilson and Comm-Spec Seth Thomas lay cut off from their command by Zorlu reconnaissance troops. Sometimes crouching, other times crawling, they work their way through the dense, viney maze. The planet’s clay topsoil, turned to a reddish-green muck by the constant downpour, boils past them in muddy streams.
Wilson, bored by technical details and discomfited by the uncertainty of their position, scans the darkness around them uneasily. Squatting, he eases his muscular frame into a huddle beneath the shelter of a giant, fan-shaped leaf, and drops his plasmapack in the mud at his side. Hooking the long, triangular nozzle of the plasmasweep onto his belt, he touches the arming pads and sets the sensitivity to one hundred meters, then pulls a cylinder of cigarettes from an inside pocket of his mesh disrupter suit. Sliding a yellow cigarette out of one half, he lights it with the canister’s heat ring. Cupping it with both hands he draws heavily on the cigarette.
“Here, sonny,” he says, offering the cigarette to Thomas as smoke leaks from his nose and mouth. “Try some of the Eron tobacco I scored from one of my ladies at Daben Gruder’s place last Friday.”Story © Copyright Frank Walters Clark 2008 All Rights Reserved
From Relative Bearings: Collected Short Stories, found HERE.
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