The Chronicles of Ki
Book 1: In The Beginning
© Copyright 2024 Frank Walters Clark ~ All Rights Reserved
The Royal Academy of Science and Engineering’s prime complex is laser-cut into the solid rock inside Mount Parnar. Comprised of seven levels, RASE’s access points are hardened and highly secure.
Situated at the top, on level one, are lavishly furnished, royal apartments. Refuge for the king and his family in times of conflict.
Level one also contains the king’s and queen’s private offices. Level two is reserved for the Royal Council of Twelve. Guards stand at both e-secured levels.
RASE’s primary R & D facilities are located between levels three and six. Six hundred laboratories, with six-sided, honeycomb-like walls.
JimKas works on level three, sometimes days and nights. His labs, like all of the others, are biometrically isolated, self-contained and fully pressurized.
His DNA heliacals have evolved him with a shortness of stature. In his case, seven and a half feet tall, versus nine of genetically recoded men like his leader, RLS FelBok.
JimKas has but one saving grace: An immense intellect.
“These findings are only preliminary, Master Bok,” he says.
What JimKas is about to say could end his career as a RASE officer. Bok’s expression only adds to his angst.
“Get to it, Kas,” Bok says. “I do not have time to dally.”
“Our algorithms,” Kas says, “reveal our planet is being captured by Apsu.”
“So. Besides all the quakes and lightning storms,” Bok glances at Kas. “What other effects will we experience?”
Kas calls up a screen on a nearby vidplay panel, then points a laser-pen at the vidplay’s face. “Our scientists have projected our planet’s moons and asteroids will soon begin colliding with Maht, nearly destroying the planet.”
“Dissembling is the proper term I believe,” Bok adds.
“One final event will complete the … dissembling,” Kas says. “Our third moon, Horu, will strike the planet’s surface and then glance off.”
“I did not need to hear that,” Bok says, shaking his head.
“The asteroids from the collision with Horu,” Kas says, “will replace Maht in her orbit. An asteroid belt.”
Bok moves closer to the vidplay. “Surely you are not suggesting the entire planet will become a part of this ‘belt,’ as you call it?”
At Kas floats a new view on the vidplay, then laser-pens across the screen. “Half the remains will form the belt,” he says. ” The other half will become a new planet, towed into its own orbit by Nibiru’s larger gravitational force.
“Spit it out, JimKas. I need something to take back to the royals.”
Kas closes his eyes and rubs the bridge of his nose. “It means we will be experiencing something like this same destruction, sar after sar. ”
Gently clearing his throat, Kas says, “Unfortunately, that’s not all.”
Looming again, Bok is not happy, “Now we get to the heart of the matter.”
“Our atmosphere will be damaged,” JimKas says. “Ripped like we have never seen by the near collision.”
“Bleeding air into outer space?” Bok growls. “You know what that means?”
“I do,” JimKas nods nervously. “For thousands of sars though, it will have a minimal effect.”
“Will it not require a fix in the future?”
“Yes, a patch of sorts to close the rifts,” Kas says. “We are capable right now, but do not have the mineral resources to create it…”
Kas pauses. “…Without question, a mend of this sort would need a material capable of supporting an extremely strong, web-like lattice.”
“Gold comes to mind,” Bok frowns.
“Of which our planet has very little,” Kas says.
Bok stands to leave, his face now pale and drawn.
“Lead Astrophysicist JimKas. Your research data is now sealed by impress of the Council of Twelve. Is that clearly understood?”
“Yes, lead!”
“Speak to no one outside your own unit and do not share this data, not even with psycheval techs. Do you understand my orders?”
“At your command.”
“Accompany me, JimKas”
JimKas trails after Bok, afraid but relieved.
Relieved, because his findings are now his superior’s responsibility to report. But afraid, despite all his work, he is still not prepared for what surely is going to happen.