The Chronicles of Ki
Book 1: In The Beginning
© Copyright 2024 Frank Walters Clark ~ All Rights Reserved
The one RASE laboratory that few Nibiruans know about, much less have access to, is home to the long-running, Genetic PreCodex Program. One senior genetophysicist at the lab named Rnik, after his father and his grandfather before, has been heard to say, “It is all in the heliacals, numb nuts.”
Thousands of sars ago Rnik’s great-great- grandfather, Rnik the First, of genetophysics symphony fame, postulated a complex theory on the origins of baselife. Light or dark, wet and dry, hot to cold, animate or inanimate, living or dead, all comply, in clearly defined, verifiably tested responses with Rnik the First’s, Strand Theory of Photonic Symphonies.
Rnik the Fourth is a passionate man, with white hair and bulging eyes, one blue, one green, who has been hard at work verifying Rnik the First’s theory. Late every evening when the other scientists have left for home, he illicitly tests a premise of his own: Living guard-dog dirigibles.
Rnik’s reasoning is based on the actions of his guard-dog Boxo. On a regular basis Boxo has somehow taken to nipping him through his pants on his calf, every time the stubby little, four-legged so-and-so wants to go out.
Which, when Rnik is at home trying to relax, is all the time. His ugly scabs are turning to scars and his tailor’s bills to financial burdens.
Contradicting her advanced genetics, his life mate, Efin, annoyingly refers to Boxo as “just a wittle pup-pee, dad-ee.” Well, daddy Rnik knows better and has the bloody teeth marks to show for it.
Lying in bed waiting for sleep to overtake him sometimes Rnik thinks ignominiously of his lovely, referring to her as “that Efin bitch.” Other times he wakes up in a panic, thinking he has spoken that sofa-exiling phrase aloud in his sleep. No question: for a slip-up like that, the Efin bitch would have his gonads with milk and sugar for breakfast.
Home travails notwithstanding, as senior genetophysicist, Rnik’s leader has tasked him with designing the new codes for mental deficiencies common to many of his elders. A flaw which can cause loss of memory and awareness.
In one of his crazier dreams, an unusual specter has come to Rnik. A dream with real meaning, where most are chaotic, and fade within minutes of waking.
Such as those very disturbing dreams, featuring Efin or Boxo, wearing strange underclothes and doing weird, suggestive dances. Rnik’s psycheval giggles whenever he mentions them, and he is considering changing therapists.
This vision does not fade, though. In the dream it appeared to show a standard brain cell-derived, twin spiral DNA configuration, molecularly vectorbonded in heliacal bi-stranded opposition.
Except in his dream, each strand has an extra codeblock attached to it. Sixty-four electrons conjoined to each other in every internal and external axis, glued together by some unknown force, clearly violating the law of like charges opposing. More energy bubble than codeblock.
Very unusual, Rnik thinks. Brain cell heliacals are only read in two dimensions. The third dimension, the links between strands, is not considered. Cellular structural memory, on a whole different level.
Shades of Rnik the First’s, Strand Theory of Photonic Symphonies, he thinks.
This is no chaotic dream, Rnik realizes. He needs to examine fresh brain cell samples under a Magna-Prime electroscope, and soon.
He activates his priority com channel and says, “Available level fives with an e-slicing chevron please report to senior genetophysicist Rnik, immediately.”
Three level fives rush in within minutes. Two females and one male.
Rnik cuts to the urgency of his discovery and glances at their blazes.
“I want you two, Pao and… Kres, is it? I want you to begin fresh samplings from case study E-4.25, waiting in the freezer at the end of the hall behind me.”
He turns and peers at the male’s identification blaze, noting he is a level six. Noxu is his name, and he smiles and looks, eager to help.
“I know you requested level fives, Senior Rnik, but I am supervisor for all the level fives, and know for a fact, besides Kres and Pao here, all the others have active assignments.”
“Good man, Noxu. I need all the specialists I can get right now.”
Rnik leads the supervisor to a compudata waiting nearby in standby mode. He pulls out the cushair in front of it, and gestures at Noxu to take the seat.
“What I need you to do is take the genetic code profiles that Pao and Kres will be e-slicing from their samples and enter their data streams sequentially into the analytics program already loaded on this system.”
“Got it,” Noxu replies.
Rnik reaches for his e-rod and uses it to power up a vidplay nearby, then displays two diagrams. One is an e-drawing he made of the three-dimensional matrix of his dream. The other is an electroscope-photo of a typical sample of a brain cell’s genetic strands, rendered as a two-dimensional standard.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he says. “Could I have everybody’s attention?”
Rnik raises his e-rod and points at the side-by-side images.
“The image on the left is the standard DNA strands of a healthy brain cell. No mystery there. The diagram on the right is a three-dimensional, electron-integrated codeblock I believe every healthy brain cell should have.”
Rnik looks again at the electron diagram and says, “However, and this is a big however, genetic strands are typically only examined in two dimensions…”
“…What we are attempting to do is ferret out those twin strands which do not have the three-dimensional codeblock. To drill down and look at the strands from a molecular level, rather than a heliacal string level.
Level Six Noxu raises a hand, and says, “Senior. Are not the e-scopes pre-programmed at the factorhouses?”
“Good point, Noxu.”
Rnik moves to the bench where Pao’s and Kres’s e-scopes rest and they move aside, allowing him access.
“See this small slot on the side of the scope’s base? Some foresighted man in the fiscal section authorized these as add-ons. Meaning, we can add subroutines. Switching from two dimensions to three is as easy as slipping in a disk and letting her rip.”
Rnik hands Pao and Kres each a tiny disk, and says, “Who wants to rip first?”
Boxo, I sincerely hope you did not hear me say that.